Video Content and its vital role to sales
As the dependency and trust of potential customers in technology strengthens, video content is progressively increasing its impact in the car sales process. In other words, potential customers trust video content over all other media formats.
Video gets as close to reality as any medium can and it readily offers to its viewers an experience of the close look and feel of the actual car. And that’s not only because one can actually witness the car being driven. The true hook up game is being played on the emotional level, as viewers are free to imagine themselves in the driver’s seat. This fact has been verified time and again by research conducted by all popular content delivery platforms, Google, Facebook and Twitter.
According to data published by Google, three out of four potential car buyers stated that their buying decisions was decisively influenced by video content they viewed about the cars that they were interested in. About 50% of the participants stated that video was the medium they used to learn more about their future car’s features. Moreover, about 40% of the participants stated that they got interested in cars they did not know or had originally rejected, after watching videos of them. So, regardless of the marketing strategy a company opts for, video content is the single tool that will help any model increase its popularity and land in the interest list of much more potential buyers. Needless to say, it’s video content that will also keep it on those lists until the crucial moment of the final decision.
“There’s a truly unique advantage that our inhouse production unit can offer to the automotive brands. That is the combination of GOCAR’s repository of creative knowhow and experience of the automotive market and NEMO’s digital technology expertise”
Of course, original video content is just a link in the sales chain, one of the multiple steps that turn potential customers to buyers. Of equal importance is boosting its reach by implementing strategically designed campaigns with proper audience targeting. Once again, compared to other formats, video is more efficient at converting interest into leads and increasing website traffic. A video on the landing page of a marketing campaign increases visitor flow up to 80% according to recent studies. Moreover, it is interesting to note that, of the audience that viewed video content of a car that was on their interest list, 60% visited a car representative to inspect the car up close.
NEMO created the Automotive Business Hub to address the demands voiced above. The Automotive Business Hub is producing video content tailored on the unique features of each product, taking also into account the requirements and/or demands of each platform it will be featured.
There’s a truly unique advantage that our inhouse production unit can offer to the automotive brands. That is the combination of GOCAR’s repository of creative knowhow and experience of the automotive market and NEMO’s digital technology expertise. We develop original concepts, select the suitable format, create innovative digital tools for content presentation and design the media plan that brings the optimal result for our clients and raising the bar of success for their brands.